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Evolution and design - extreme forms and common grounds

Comments on Oliver Marc Hartwich “A fundamental Euro flaw”, 16/12/2010, http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/European-Union-France-Germany-politics-pd20101214-C57AR?OpenDocument&src=rot

While the two schools of thought that Dr Oliver Marc Hartwich compared and contrasted may in their own extreme forms be incompatible with each other, there surely are some common grounds they can both work to reflect the different histories of human beings and societies.

There are obvious many differences between different societies that cannot and should not be ignored. However, how has each society developed or evolved in history to become today’s form?

There must have been many human designs in the long history of each society that exists today. Laws, for example, are designed and made by people.

So, it seems that both evolution and human designs must have both worked in the long historical process.

That is not to say that one can design anything that will work and can completely ignore the existing structures of the society.

It is important that one does not have to rely on any one of the two extreme forms of the two schools of thought, even though the euro may have been designed and implemented too hastily and too early.

1 comment:

  1. This post is really amazing! very interesting. Thanks!
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