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Leadership or no leadership?

Comments on Dennis Shanahan “Gillard stakes leadership on a carbon tax”, 25/02/2011, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/gillard-stakes-leadership-on-a-carbon-tax/story-e6frg75f-1226011599594

This puts the Gillard government in the best term possible, but is likely to miss the point that Gillard has been forced into this, or has become hostage of the Greens as opposed to Gillard's pre-election pledge that there will be no carbon tax under the government she leads.

The timeline for the legislation to pass by 1 of July this year is uncertain at the best, or Gillard has to trade costly concessions with the Greens, given that they know after 1 of July they will be on the driver seat in the parliament.

Gillard has to design compensations to businesses and households very skilfully to satisfy all sides - the Greens, the other independents and big businesses, as well as the voters.

I see enormous difficulties for Gillard and it is extremely difficult to get the design right for voters that Labour needs to win the next election if Gillard can survive to that statge.
PS: it is paradoxical to Gillard's leadership, as reflected in her role in persuiding Rudd to dump the ETS, the pledge of no carbon tax under her government and compromise with the Greens to stay on as the PM and being forced into humiliating broken promise of no carbon tax to introducing a carbon 'price'.
Is it leadership? Or is it ruthless lust for power?

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