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Rudd government irresponsible economic and social mamanger

More and more disturbing facts have come to light to indicate that the Rudd government is irresponsible both economically and socially.

I have long argued that the cash handouts packaged as fiscal stimulus was fiscally irresponsible and the $43 billion National Broadband Network without a business case study or cost benefit analysis is economically irresponsible.

I have also criticised its school halls and libraries program as waste of taxpayers' money, its Indigenous housing program incredibly inefficient and incompetent.

The recent debacle in the $2.3 billion insulation programs with a number of deaths and over a hundred house hires and the minister's forced closure of the program, as well as the $250 million gifts to the commercial TV networks, all show yet again that the Rudd is a very poor manager of taxpayers’ money, for all purposes, economically and socially.

We are lucky that it has not taken over the public hospitals from the States. If it had, then the public hospitals would have been another disaster.

The less the Rudd government is involved in the nation’s economic and social management, the better it would be for all Australians.

Voters should now have known what Rudd meant in saying he is economically conservative before and during the last election.

They should register their disapproval in the next election, whenever it will be.

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