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A need for a world investment organisation

Comments on Maaike Okano-Heijmans and Frans-Paul van der Putten “Europe needs to screen Chinese investment”, 18 /08/2009, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2009/08/18/europe-needs-to-screen-chinese-investment/

It seems there is a fairly urgent need to have an international or world organisation to facilitate and oversee international capital flows or cross-border or foreign investment, given the magnitude and importance of capital movement internationally at present and into the future, and the likely increasing disputes or impediment or protections that affect the efficient allocation of global financial and physical capital resources.

There should be a set of agreed principles that govern international capital flows. The principles should be non-discriminatory in nature. National security may be a legitimate reason for some government intervention, but the rules governing it needs to be spelt out clearly and that should not be used as an excuse for discrimination at will by governments or politicians either economically, politically or racially.

There should be an international agreement on international investment and capital flows. One additional advantage of having an international overseeing organisation is to minimise the potential damages done by big speculative players in the international capital market.

Should different ownership be treated differently, given that all firms are under the regulation of a sovereign country? But it is an interesting and legitimate question and needs to be addressed openly and fairly.

One option for such an international organisation is to broaden the responsibility of and empower the WTO, so it would also serve as a forum for nations to settle disputes in international capital flows. Another option is to restructure the IMF and give it a new mandate on overseeing international capital flows.

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