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Sheridan is today on a show of ignorance, again

Comments on Greg Sheridan “Soulmate for Rudd on Tokyo horizon”, 27/08/2009, http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,25986134-5013460,00.html

The end few paragraphs only show the true purposes and characters of the article’s author. They display his die hard mentality of the cold war era.

There is no question that we Australia should have a good relationship with Japan, given the historical links between the two countries and Japan’s importance in Asia in general and to Australia in particular. However, using the relationship with Japan as a tool to contain China is an extremely bad idea and has been proven to be bad abandoned even by the US.

For Sheridan to advocate such an outdated and ill-conceived and evil spirited idea is totally unhelpful to and against Australia’s national interest. It is even worse for such a person to argue for that bad idea in the guise of Australia’s national interest at a time when there are some temporary difficulties in the relations between Australia and China.

That idea, perhaps with its carrier, should and must be thrown into a historical rubbish bin. It has no place in Australia.

It is difficult to understand why that idea could have passed the editorial test of a national mass media such as The Australian. But it happened and happens fairly often, because Sheridan has been the foreign reporter or editor of the Australian. One can only imagine how many people have been misled by an outdated foreign reporter on foreign affairs issues.

Rudd should pay no attention to or take any comfort in Sheridan’s view on foreign affairs especially when they are related to China, otherwise, small errors in judgement can become disproportionately large blunders.

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