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A poor public policy: the ACT government to ban fireworks

Comments on ABC report “ACT bans fireworks”, 24/08/2009, http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/08/24/2664761.htm?section=justin

The report says that "The ACT Government has banned the use of fireworks on the Queen's Birthday long weekend."

That is appalling and terrible news. It is a gross violation of people's rights.

Why should all people should suffer for only a handful people's fault of not to follow regulations in terms of restricted time and places? It should be the government's responsibility to enforce regulations or whoever finds that offensive to report the unruly activities. If they can't do it, then it is their problems, and should not punish others for their own problems.

Why so many people freedom and enjoyment is disallowed by the government? They were not voted for such a poor policy.

Further, why should some animals rights be above people's rights? Why can't pet owners control their pets to avoid injuries?

There are public displays of very large scale fireworks in every State. Why does government not ban them and only ban private fireworks? It is illogical and low politics by government.

In the ACT, the policy has been hijacked by Mr John Hargreaves, Minister for Industrial Relations. He argued the reason of such a ban was the move follows an increasing level of misuse, as he said:

"The reasons for such a ban are about property damage, injury to domestic animals and wildlife and of course the general disruption."

He blames other people for his own failures.

There are so many things that can be used for crimes or disorders. Should all those things be banned?

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