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Electrical Trades Union hypocritical to oppose free trade agreement with China

Comments on Malcolm Colless “Hansonite protest out of left field”, 22/09/2009, http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,26105680-7583,00.html

The secretary of the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) is hypocritical and seeks to scare people.

The campaign against Australia signing a free trade agreement with China by the ETU is an attempt to lower the living standard of all Australians and slow the progress of Australia economy to move to an internationally more competitive one.

It is an attempt by a handful special interest group for their own short term interest at the expense of all other Australians. They want to protect the so called employment of theirs in the current form without realising that the world is changing very rapidly and the structure of employment in the economy has to keep pace with it.

This is old trade protectionism in a different disguise.

The report says that the ETU campaign argues against concluding the FTA and savagely attacks China's employment standards and its record on human rights.

China is different from Australia in many aspects including employment standards. But it reflects mainly the different living standards between the two countries other than otherthing else. Many Chinese still live in very poor conditions and the very survival of prople is a question.

Why doesn’t the secretary of the ETU care about the living standards of those people when talking about their employment standards?

This shows how shallow, hypocritical and double standards the secretary is!

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