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Miserable Swan that cannot fly, nor swim in economic fields

Comments on Wayne Swan “Rollback is part of the plan”, 10/09/2009, http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,26050760-5017272,00.html

The Treasurer seems never to be able to grow up to a normal person, but unfortunately he is in charge of what he cannot manage nor understand, that is the economy and budget.

To just using one point in his little article, he said the stimulus has been designed to withdraw automatically. Let's assume what he said was correct with the original design for the moment. But the economy has already proved that the Treasury forecast was out of order with what has been happening, so why the original design based on that earlier forecast is still correct? Isn't it a common sense that when things are different from one's assumptions, then one needs to change the strategies according to the new reality as opposed to sticking with the original plan?

Mr Swan, you need to get some common sense, not to mention the skills to manage the nation's budget and the economy.

Besides, the nation’s top economic advisors need to get real as well and provide good economic and budgetary advice to the government of the day. It is their advice that has also contributed to Mr Swan’s confused mind.

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