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Is climate change another misunderstanding or hoax like the Y2K?

I personally don't have any scientific knowledge to judge whether climate change is happening and will follow those who claim that it would.

The overwhelming view is that it is happening and the consequences can be extremely serious and catastrophic.

But there are a very small minority who re saying otherwise.

Janet Albrechtsen's article presents one professor's view and evidence on sea levels for the last 2000 years that shows no rise in the sea levels over the past decades.

Is that true? I don't know. But if it is, then there are questions that have to be answered for climate change theories.

I would like to keep this article for reference. Here it is:

Janet Albrechtsen "Seeing through hoax of the century", 4/11/2009, http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/janetalbrechtsen/index.php/theaustralian/comments/seeing_through_hoax_of_the_century/


  1. Y2K was absolutely not a hoax and anyone who thinks it was is abysmally ignorant of what happened. As one of the people who slogged hard on dealing with those issues and was intimately involved in it, it amuses me that those who know so little about it still make this silly claim. It's not the case that hundreds of thousands of IT workers the world over could possibly conspire on such a thing.

  2. Well, I am not a computer expert, but some people involved in that process say it was a hoax.
    I have not heard anything that occurred as a result of the Y2K bug or problem, and there must have been some computers or systems that were not Y2K compliant when Y2K came.
    Why was that?
