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No case for Swan to be praised

Comments on George Megalogenis “Wayne’s tax adventure”, 6/11/2009, http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/meganomics/index.php/theaustralian/comments/waynes_tax_adventure/

George, I think it is premature to praise Swan for his 10-year frame of tax reform plan.

First, we don't know whether it is a 10-year plan or not until he becomes serious after examining the final Henry Review report and decided what to do.

Second, we don't know what is in the plan or frame yet. It may be the case that there are not many real reforms in the plan.

Third, is he going to introduce a better tax reform plan? For example, both he and you mentioned tax the rich harder. Is that a good tax reform? Does that satisfy either fairness or competitiveness, two of his three principles?

So, unless you are singing praises for whatever the government does, there is no point to praise Swan at this stage.

What we do know now is that he is a disappointing Treasurer in terms of managing the budget to allow so much waste, as those identified and reported by The Australian in building the school projects, the $43 billion NBN project without a business case study.

Is he competent to deserve any praise? The answer now is not.

Is he the most incompetent federal Treasurer over the past decades? The answer now is yes.

That is why it is strange that you are singing praises for him.

Poor man.

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