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Opposition voices are important for stronger democracy

Comments on Alan Kohler “Treading the boards”, 2/11/2009, http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Treading-the-boards-pd20091102-XDR5A?OpenDocument&src=sph

Alan, maybe it should be like this in politics for useful democracy and having the government of the day accountable.

The voice of opposition is important. It presents a different perspective.

Just think for a moment that how much the Rudd government relies on spin, then it is not difficult for anyone to come to the point that without effective opposition to hold the government accountable will lead to extremely bad government.

The past two years have seen billions of taxpayers’ money being wasted and the opposition has been ineffective.

That is the price Australians have paid for inefficient government and ineffectual opposition.

We need stronger democracy. We need stronger opposition to make the government more efficient.

As for the life of politicians after politics, it is a matter for them and those who have the power to make decisions.

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