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The US QE2

Comments on Suman Bery “India and global monetary disorder”, 16/11/2010, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2010/11/16/india-and-global-monetary-disorder/
In terms of QE2, is it because there is not enough cash in the US system? There are reports that there is money hoarding in the US, so what more cash can do to its economy, apart from lowering the $US?

In that case, is the exchange rate market determined or not, or is it market mechanism? Who is manipulating currency? No wonder it has been condemned!

The US complains other countries’ currency policies for its economic problems, but conveniently ignores its own currency policy on exchange rates and the reserves held by others.

PS: the following is an open letter from some economists in the US to Ben Bernanke opposing QE2:

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