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Yes, PM needs to smarten up - and it's not too difficult to do!

Comments on Niki Savva “Smarten up, PM, and do not wear green”, 23/11/2010, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/smarten-up-pm-and-do-not-wear-green/story-e6frg6zo-1225958810181

While the issues raised by Savva are interesting, they are issues of secondary or even lower orders as compared to real policies.

The key tests to Gillard include climate change policy, border protection, the NBN and federal relations, as well as water policies.

Guy marriage bill is nothing but a distraction to the really important policy issues the government needs to deal with, urgently.

The government can defeat the greens by developing sound as opposed to seemingly attractive policies. It should be progressive based with equity and efficiency in mind. It should have middle classes as the core of consideration, encourage working and competition and provide reasonable safety net to the struggling disadvantaged.

Unless Labor keeps pace with the aspirations of the majority of Australians, it will continue to struggle.

PS: summary of policies:
Climate change - a low and flexible carbon tax to start with that is revenue and trade neutral and its proceeds distributed to everyone on equal per capita basis that will have the support of the public and use the most efficient means to achieve policy goals.
Border protection - consider using Nauru as a intermediate step and develop a better regional policy.
NBN - a difficult issue, but better make significant changes and put ideology aside to make it more economic and competitive.
Water - need a balanced as opposed to being hijacked by extreme environmentalists.

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