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Tony Shepherd's myths

Comments on Tony Shepherd “Eight myths of a carbon tax”, 1/04/2011, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/commentary/eight-myths-of-a-carbon-tax/story-e6frgd0x-1226031613147

Instead of expose the myths as the title suggests, the author creates his own myths, by misleading information, incorrect facts and distorted logic.

In another word it is purely self-interest serving, implying lobbying for potentially more compensation.

Let’s expose this by one example in the article. It says: “1. The greatest myth is that if we lead the world in carbon pricing the rest of the world will follow. We produce 1.5 per cent of the world's CO2; China and America account for 40 per cent. A 5 per cent reduction in Australia's emissions would be cancelled out by as little as a 0.3 per cent increase in China's emissions.”

There is no such a myth in here in Australia at all. We are not leading the world. To the contrary, we have been lagging or dragging it behind. As Tony Shepherd mentioned in the article, there is the CO2 trading in Europe as the obvious precedent scheme.

What does that mean to his distorting argument as if we are leading the world? It means he is contradicting himself.

Note that that is his number one and greatest myth!

Credible or incredible?

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