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Abbott's climate change talk nonsensical

Comments on Lenore Taylor “Liberals stick to emission targets by other means”, 3/12/2009, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/liberals-stick-to-emission-targets-by-other-means/story-e6frg6nf-1225806336561

Mr Abbott is acting like talking nonsense.

Of course he has no choice but to be hypocritical himself now.

He can't support an either ETS or carbon tax, because that what the opposition or coalition has just killed or argue against.

He can't afford to be seen as a climate change denier, because that will make himself a fool in the electorate.

So his only choice at the moment is talking nonsense, if he cannot say definitely on how much electricity will come from nuclear power and renewable and what their costs will be and how they will be met with no tax or government subsidies.

He tried not to be looking like a fool, but his acts may betray him and portrait him as one, one day, nevertheless.

It will be interesting to see how and when he will have to change his nonsensical talking about his policy on climate change and emissions reduction.

He will fall down to earth very hard at that time for acting emotionally rather than rationally.

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