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Americans not outplayed by anyone

Comments on Alan Kohler “America is being outplayed”, 15/12/2009, http://www.businessspectator.com.au//bs.nsf/Article/Americas-obligatory-lessons-pd20091214-YPRTJ?OpenDocument

No, the Americans are not outplayed by anyone, but by its own irresponsibility both domestically and internationally. Alan you are wrong on this, unfortunately.

Domestically, they were irresponsible in over consumption and over spending by government and privates. They created sub-prime mortgages problems and financial problems. They squandered the available cheaper capital on consumption and spending as opposed to investing in infrastructure and improving productivity.

Internationally, they refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and take any actions in reducing emissions or prepare themselves for it. It launched pre-emptive wars in Iraq, with nothing to do with war on terror, but controlling oil supply.

China is not out playing the US in Copenhagen. What it does is a legitimate right for any developing nation.

It is a developing country, with low income per capita less than 1 tenth of those in most industrialised nations. It’s emission per capita is only a fraction of those in the industrialised countries.

How can some people so blindly say China is the largest emitter by ignoring its huge population?

Where are those people who often talk about and demand for human rights in developing countries including China? Why don’t people in developing countries have the same emissions rights as the people in industrialised countries? Why should they pay for the much better living standard in industrialised nations?

Isn’t that hypocritical?

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