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UN officials's sensitional talking unhelpful to climate change cause

Comments on Ben Webster and Murad Ahmed “Hackers probably paid to help undermine Copenhagen climate summit: UN”, 7/12/2009, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/hackers-probably-paid-to-help-undermine-copenhagen-climate-summit-un/story-e6frg6xf-1225807575795

No matter what purposes the hackers may have had, the disclosure of the information from those emails, presumably true, provide the public with a voice of a different view present by official channels.

The world should not spend resources on investigating how the hackers got in but on investigating what the email really mean and whether they are reliable and which side of the story is likely to be more correct.

A question is that why the official channel has not allowed some decent views from some of the equally qualified climate scientists choose by the official to be published at all.

It is unhelpful to simply brand people having or asking questions of climate changes and the likely causes.

Potentially, so much is at stake on possible actions or inactions to tackle climate changes if the true causes of the current climate change are not understood correctly.

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