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If not broken, then don't try to fix it!

Comments on David Llewellyn-Smith “THE DISTILLERY: Full of holes”, 10/12/2009, http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/THE-DISTILLERY-pd20091210-YKTQ3?OpenDocument&src=sph

The column's view on banking regulation is plainly silly. Did the financial crisis have a serious adverse impact on Australian banks as that had on the banks in either the US or UK for example?

If not, then why aren't Australian bank little different from the other banks?

Why do people want to impose unnecessary costs on banking and finance and reduce efficiency without real benefits?

Isn’t it a simple case of “if not broken why fix it?”

Are you a follower of the PM Rudd, just wanting a big government and increase regulations for the sake of regulations?

You got to be kidding and fooling yourselves!

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