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Duckling Swan still swimming and sweating

Comments on Alan Kohler “Gillard must mop up Swan's mess”, 25/06/2010, http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Gillard-must-mop-up-Swans-mess-pd20100625-6QT66?OpenDocument&src=sph
It indeed has been interesting to see that Swan has been promoted to Deputy Prime Minister and remains Treasurer, after so many Treasury disasters and the fatal RSPT fiasco.

I would have thought Swan should have been promoted from a senior minister. Even he has been promoted to the Deputy, he should have been removed from his Treasury portfolio to another non-economic portfolio to show to the taxpayers and the public that the new government is serious about its past mistakes.

The most interesting irony of this is that Swan has shown no loyalty to his former boss and long time friend Mr Rudd at all, given what he has done and the fact that it was him who had caused his former boss' top job in the country.

Haven’t we heard of “the gang of two” out of “the gang of four”? Haven’t we heard from Rudd what role Swan played in both the shelving of the ETS and the RSPT? (Actually no one needs to be reminded of Swan’s role in the RSPT because he was and still is the Treasurer.)

That does not look good for his character or personality – he does not have the gutter to take responsibility if things go bad.

On the other hand, Lindsay Tanner, whether it was coincidental or not, has shown a quite different story of loyalty from Swan.

It is indeed interesting politics, but I reckon it was for the numbers and political stability and once the election is over, we can expect more significant changes.

Even that, few would deny it is fascinating! That could, however, have laid the seed of future problems for the Gillard ministry.

While it is a matter and business for the ALP and Gillard to decide, I don't think Swan has the ability to do good for the nation, if his past performance is a guide.

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