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America's renminbi rumble and need for a sense of reality

Comments on Karen Maley “America's renminbi rumble”, 18/06/2010, http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Americas-renminbi-rumble-pd20100618-6HSQN?OpenDocument&src=sph
Maybe some of the US lawmakers need to get a reality test for their own senses.

They have always acted as big brothers and threat others this or that.

They have always thought their threat would work and it is true that in the past they have worked as no other countries with strong trade interests with the US were strong enough to confront with the mighty US, politically, militarily and economically.

What will they do if they see one day that their threats are not working and doing more harm than good to themselves?

It is a big game and brinkmanship at the international stage they have played.

The problem with their plays now is that the international situations have changed so significantly that some countries can and will stand up to confront them sooner or later, probably very soon.

Just imagine that they initiate some trade measures against China now and China retaliates, what is likely to happen to the US economy and employment?

When that occurs, those lawmakers will get a dose of reality.

They may realise the story of the emperor's new cloth.

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