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Citizens' assembly - an opportunity for initiatives lost

Comments on Dennis Shanahan “.Citizens assembly has lost Labor crucial support”, 26/07/2010, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/citizens-assembly-has-lost-labor-crucial-support/story-fn59niix-1225896780474
The danger of announcing such a citizens' assembly is that it may remind the public of the 2020 Summit and Rudd's many undelivered promises, when they seriously consider what it would mean.

It may be perceived as a delaying tactics with no real substance on climate change to get over the election. This would be especially alarming to some in the context that Labor has dumped its ETS policy and in the wake of it its elected first term Prime Minister.

Some would take it as the current Prime Minister had the same policy as its predecessor and has not got any new, effective and substantial climate change policy.

If that happens, it would be negative for Gillard and the government.

But that is out of Gillard’s hand now and there does not seem to have other room to move or change. If she had not done that, she could have a policy of moderate carbon tax with revenue distribution to residents, so it would not be a real tax but a price signal. That would be a real initiative and could also counter the argument of a big tax. It was an opportunity lost from her.

Now it is up to the public and how they will take this strategy by Gillard. Is her honeymoon period strong enough so the public will give her the benefit of doubt on this policy treatment?

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