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Rudd could be an excellent foreign minister

Comments on Malcolm Colless “Lack of tact would make Rudd poor diplomat”, 13/07/2010, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/lack-of-tact-would-make-rudd-poor-diplomat/story-e6frg6zo-1225890927529
Rudd clearly has some weaknesses in his leadership style. But those weaknesses are likely to be magnified when the scope of issues expands. Conversely, when the scope of the issues is narrow as in one ministry, Rudd could be performing well even with those weaknesses.

Further, the public humiliation of being dumped from PM and the public revelation of his weaknesses are likely to force him to improve his leadership style.

Another point is that if Rudd is not in the supreme position such as the Prime Ministership, his weaknesses may be constrained because he himself is constrained.

In short, Rudd is intellectually very talented and should be afforded another chance to contribute to the nation. Rudd could be an excellent foreign minister after all.

We should all take a notice how scarce of talented politicians are in Australia politics, especially now. Let's not waste scarce political human resources we have got.

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