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Gillard's lost opportunity

Comments on Paul Kelly “Campaigns characterised by complacent timidity”, 28/07/2010, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/campaigns-characterised-by-complacent-timidity/story-e6frg74x-1225897742178
The mining tax compromise neutralised that issue and was positive to Gillard. Another issue could have further shown Gillard as an effective prime minister, that is, climate change policy in terms of carbon pricing.

But unfortunately, she has not adopted the most effective strategy, that is, a modest carbon price with an equal distribution of revenue proceeds to residents, due largely to the fact that it could be perceived as risky by ALP strategists. A very good opportunity has been lost. Instead, she has got a talkfest, a community assembly to deal with an issue that should be dealt with in the parliament.

If she had done that, she would have shown that she has a very effective and efficient climate change policy that also would have popular support (why wouldn’t the public support that policy? Many voters would return from the Greens). That would distinguishingly have been Gillard’s, visionary, pragmatic, effective and flexible for a very difficult issue.

It would be difficult for the opposition to attack that as a big new carbon tax, because to most residents it is no tax for them due to return of tax income.

It could also be called an interim levy (before a permanent market based carbon pricing mechanism is introduced) to further diminish opposition’s potential ammunitions.

PS: As I mentioned a number of times before, the flexibility of a carbon tax can also make it to deal with one country having a carbon tax while others don't by imposing a general equalisation carbon tax on imports and reimbursement of such tax for exports from Australia.

1 comment:

  1. Is this going to be a gender election people? That would be a grave mistake I believe. Issues and policies are the important things here, and not who has the sexiest ankles or the prettiest hair colouring!

    It’s not very long ago that the American People voted in their First African American President – on a platform of ‘change’. I would guess that non white Americans were delirious when Barack Obama was sworn in as their 44th President, praying for, pleading for and dreaming of great changes that would be of immense benefit to themselves.
