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Albrechtsen diabolic to the education union

Comments on Janet Albrechtsen “Class warriors prepare to ambush private schools”, 26/01/2011, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/class-warriors-prepare-to-ambush-private-schools/story-e6frg6zo-1225994520017

Let me declare that I am not a union member let alone the education union, at outset.

Having declared my non-conflict of interest, now let me begin my comments.

It seems that Janet Albrechtsen is diabolic to the education union and to what the union's view about public funding of education.

While she is accusing the education union many things, she is also committing some of the tactics she accuses the union does, such as the union wants to penalising parents who send their children to private or non-public schools.

To me that itself appears to be highly misleading.

While even at the very improbable scenario that the union asked the government to completely stop all funding to non-government schools and the government did that, that would still be far from being penalising parents of non-government school students.

It is correct to say the more choice is good.

But there is nothing wrong for government to fund government schools and government schools alone, and to provide every child with the same opportunities to enrol and to being educated. By doing that is not penalising anyone including parents both schools' children, because the parents who choose to have their children to non-government schools are completely their own choice and no one is forcing them to do that or to forgo the opportunity to have their children in government schools.

Of course, what Albrechtsen implies is probably compared to the current situation where government already fund partially non-government schools. Although that is not a bad starting point of comparison, it stretches the imagination too much to imply that is the only point to compare, or even the only and right point to do so.

Albrechtsen's tactics is neither wise nor commendable at all.

Albrechtsen appears to be union bashing and oppose whatever unions are saying irrespective what they are or it is about, right or wrong, correct or incorrect.

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