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Don't blur the responsibilities

Comments on Anthony Bergin “Response needs commonwealth co-ordination”, 15/01/2011, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/response-needs-commonwealth-co-ordination/story-e6frg6zo-1225987433114

This is another idea that is a bit off the mark in the context of the Australian federation and the division of responsibilities between the two levels of government.

The only areas that might need a national or Commonwealth response are cross border issues and the mechanisms where a State in emergence can call on national / commonwealth resources such as the army, as well as consistency in dealing with different States for similar disasters and overtime as the recent inconsistency between the PM offers for Queenslanders and Western Australians reflects.

It is far better for the responsibilities lie clearly with one level of government, such as planning, coordination, and emergence responses.

Further, there should be accountability for poor planning, information supply, and non-compliance and insurances that lie with both government and individuals. Government should take its responsibilities in settlement and building planning, regulations and supply information. Individuals must consider the costs of potential natural disasters in deciding and choosing where to build, buy and or live, and take out the appropriate insurances.

Clearly, one of the lessons from the recent floods disasters is the forecast and modelling of the likely scenarios. That work should be strengthened to minimise losses. This may be another area where some national resources could achieve better economies of scale.

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