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Swan - what can we say about him?

Comments on Wayne Swan “Conservatives are the new nabobs of negativity”, 3/01/2011, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/conservatives-are-the-new-nabobs-of-negativity/story-e6frg6zo-1225980655211

Swan says: "Almost alone in the world, we now have the luxury of setting ourselves up for the big economic opportunities by investing in the things that will give us an edge: knowledge and skills, environmental sustainability, and the digital economy."

Let's look at the 3 areas he included here: education, environment and digital one by one. For education, Labor government undoubtedly had the BER. But unfortunately the BER has had so many wastes that greatly reduced its effectiveness.

For the environment, the Labor government has had the home insulation program that it had to stop it due to rots through abuse the program and the safety problems that program generated.

For the digital issue, the government has got the NBN going now. The difference between this and the other two is the very long time of the NBN project and the huge investment. Further there is no business case study and cost benefit analysis.

Swan in this post argues the negativity by others. Looking at what the Labor government has done the above so far, how can people not feel negative? How much more wastes will Swan oversee as the Treasurer?

Swan should look at himself to find where the problems lie.

PS: due to length limit, the original comments could not include more. But when I read more of that post, the more I felt Swan's hypocrisy. On resource taxation, they had to scrap their RSPT and replace it with their MRRT. They had done it not because of pressure from the opposition, but from the mining sector. Further they brought down their own first term prime minister, due to problems with their RSPT.

On the NBN, the government tried to prevent the release of relevant information to the parliament and delayed and delayed releasing the limited information they promised to do it.

So whose problems are they? Who are more negative?

He should be ashamed what he has done to the nation in terms of wastes, his role in them and his role in replacing Rudd and being promoted.

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