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Freer trade - why so difficult to reach international agreements?

Comments on Craig Emerson “Doha round key to continuing global prosperity”, 27/01/2011, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/doha-round-key-to-continuing-global-prosperity/story-e6frg6zo-1225995061033

While it is a matter of faith for free trade and free market, there is always a puzzle for the fact that if free trade is such panacea to economic growth and welfare why it has always been so difficult to reach an international agreement on more-free trade?

Dr Emerson mentioned that it has been 10 years for the Doha round negotiations already!

Why have people been so stupid so that they could not see the benefits of freer trade and reach agreements in much shorter times?

Can Dr Emerson explain this simple dilemma to us in plain language please?

Can Dr Emerson explain why China was imposed many unfair conditions when it was allowed to join the WTO as a member? And why EU and the US resort to trade restriction measures to punish China’s exports?

It is probably high time to be more frank about free trade, especially for developed countries to preach free trade on the one hand and protect its own industries and firms on the other.

The effects of free trade are more complex and politicians should be frank about that and tell the truth and nothing but the truth, no matter how inconvenient they are!

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