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Labor's deficit and arrogance

Comments on Mumble Blog (Peter Brent) “Labor’s debt and deficit problem”, 20/01/2011, http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/mumble/index.php/theaustralian/comments/labors_debt_and_deficit_problem/

Peter, your concluding remark is: "This government could do with a dose of arrogance."

I don't know what you meant exactly.

I would have thought that this government does not have a deficit of arrogance: it has enough but what it has is the wrong sort of arrogance, I am afraid to say.

Do I have evidence to back that up? Yes, of course!

When Gillard says it is not either rebuilding or achieving budget surplus and the government will do both, that is not only arrogant of her, but boasting without any clue of where the money will come from!

When the government says the NBN will be making a commercial return, it is not only arrogant, but close to cheating that can only be made with the reliance of parliamentary privilege. Any private company executives making that sort of comments would find themselves in deep trouble of misleading their shareholders.

When the prime minister and the government say to achieve consensus on carbon pricing but does not allow the opposition parliament members to participate in its committee, it is a display of arrogance to disguise its hypocrisy and political cowardness: one can always get a consensus if that person is the only one to decide.

So, what the government needs is to change the content of its arrogance to the right sort!

PS: seriously, the current government is having big deficits in economic and budget management skills, reflected in its policies. It is skilful in creating committees and task forces. And the Prime Minister is reportedly having more number of staff working for her than Rudd. Presumably that is to make those members not work in dog years as Rudd did or claimed!

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