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How likely is a ‘Jasmine revolution’ in China?

Comments on Feng Chongyi “‘Jasmine revolution’ in China over the horizon”, 16/03/2011, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2011/03/15/%e2%80%98jasmine-revolution%e2%80%99-in-china-over-the-horizon/

It appears that Professor Feng may have over-stated the problems existing in China, though that does not mean the problems aren't serious and that they don't need careful solutions.

For the majority of people in China, the choice is between an ideal democratic system that may not necessarily be practical in China but may disrupt its economic development and limited democracy under one party rule but that can have stability and rapid economic development.

Most of them are realistic and pragmatic enough to choose.

Yes, there are more than 1.3 billion people in China and there are always very different views.

But is that enough for a revolution?

I personally doubt it, especially given China's history before the communist party and since the reforms began.

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