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How to fix USA Inc.'s Red

Comments on Mary Meeker “USA Inc.: Red, White, and Very Blue”, 24/02/2011, http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/11_10/b4218000828880.htm

It shouldn't be that difficult at all if the USA Inc can change its own thinking and behaviour to a more realistic level.

First, for example, if it does not continue the thinking it still has the means to keep its military dominance to the degree it has got now and reduce its military spending so just to be the same as the current world second largest military spending, then it can save a lot its taxpayer's money and contribute significantly to repairing its budget deficits.

It will not cause any security and defence danger to itself at all.

Secondly, it could take urgent actions in tackling climate change and reducing carbon emissions by applying a carbon tax and gradually increasing the tax.

This tax has dual functions: a. to join the other nations in action to limit adverse climate change or at least to act as insurance for the future of its citizens; b. it can raise revenue and reduce budget deficits.

They are only two of many options that the USA Inc has. The only question is: is it prepared to do the right and reasonable things?

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