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The 'trade-not-aid' strategy versus other strategies

Comments on Kevin P. Gallagher “China challenges Washington’s ‘trade-not-aid’ strategy in Latin America”, 19/03/2011, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2011/03/19/china-challenges-washingtons-trade-not-aid-strategy-in-latin-america/

The different approaches are likely to coexist for a very long time to come.

Undoubtedly, there will be some approaches that are between the US one and the China one.

The US has not only elements of containment of other systems, but also elements of spreading its own system through various means.

On the other hand, China's approach is consistent with its non-interference principle in international dealings. It does not have a strategy to export its system, at least since the end of the Mao era.

Will the US attempt to contain such influences of China to conduct another form of containment?

If it does, will it be likely to be successful?

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