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It is other way round - Wayne stole states revenue

Comments on Peter van Onselen “Wayne, they stole your surplus”, 20/05/2011, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/commentary/wayne-they-stole-your-surplus/story-e6frgd0x-1226059271800

The MRRT should be the revenue of the mining states in the first place, given that it was designed and sold as a more efficient form of royalty regime to replace the current less efficient price based royalties.

The federal government has stolen this revenue from the states.

It is not a tax reform any more but a revenue grab by Canberra.

With this as a precedence, it will be more difficult for the federal government to proceed or introduce more national tax reforms involving the states from now on.

PS: the federal government could have involved the mining states for the RSPT or MRRT on a revenue sharing basis, say 50-50.
That would get all the mining states on board and saving the need for them to jack up their own royalty rates.
More importantly, that would mean the MRRT would be a really national tax reform.

PPS: Additional comments:
The wording in the title of the post does not appear to be correct or appropriate.
Mineral resources in each state belong to that state and imposing royalty on mining production is a right of the state.
Rather than they stole surplus from Wayne, Wayne's surplus proposition has been based on the inclusion of revenue that is rightfully the states'!
Who stole from whom?
The author probably should get some advice from constitution layers on the issue.

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