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Global body also needs to be accountable

Comments on MARIE DELA RAMA “Only global body can sideline saboteurs”, 10/08/2010, http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/only-global-body-can-sideline-saboteurs-20100809-11tzo.html?posted=sucessful
For most people it is difficult to know who are telling the truth and who are telling lies.

It is easy to labelling others as saboteurs, or saying some activities as "an exercise in industrial espionage of breathtaking proportions".

But why shouldn't the public be entitled to know those leakings any way, as opposed to just one side story?

Dealing with climate change as proposed by climate actionists is costly and should be properly scrutinised by interested parties and organisations. The IPCC should publish views and arguments of both sides of the debate, including for and against as well as neutral views whether they are sceptical on either side.

Any scientist could or can come out defend their reputations and works and no one can prevent them from doing it.

In terms of funding to the IPCC, either the UN or governments can increase its funding if they see it as priority.

But has it been accountable for its own failings, such as the publication of the melting of the Himalaya glaciers? How could that happen with such a body?

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