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A Japan vision? What vision?

Comments on Ryo Sahashi “Japan’s vision: Building an East Asian Community”, 5/08/2010, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2010/08/05/japan%e2%80%99s-vision-building-an-east-asian-community/
While the desire to have the US play a role in maintaining peace in the region is understandable, what outcome that desire will translate into may not be clear.

What if any can the two wars the US has been involved and is still being involved in, namely the Afghanistan and the Iraq wars tell us?

One may be viewed as justice and the other may not necessarily be so.

So, is the US always a force of peace?

That is a question one has to ask and answer.

Further, history of changes or transition in world powers has not always been pretty.

The world has always been changing and will change further.

Will the existing distribution of interests be always maintainable indefinitely?

Will the US always be hegemony in the world forever? Or is that realistic?

For example, the US may claim interests in many places of the world now. What if those interests be conflicting with the interests of other nations in the future?

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