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Lucy Turnbull's affirmative argument for capitalism

Comments on Lucy Turnbull “Capitalism is still the only system that works”, 9/08/2010, http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/capitalism-is-still-the-only-system-that-works-20100808-11q55.html?posted=sucessful
I note that Lucy has used China as an example to support her argument for capitalism.

However, Lucy did not say whether China is a capitalism system or not.

Most people argue about capitalism and communism as two extremes. But the reality is that most systems are not in those extremes and are somewhat in the areas not too far from the centre of the spectrum.

In most capitalism system, there are elements of socialism and in the few official socialism systems left, they are introduce capitalism elements.

Socialism or communism in its original and extreme form is dead, but it does not mean no other less extreme ones are left.

Capitalism has also evolved quite a lot from its original extreme form. Social welfares, though still swing around, are not based on the extreme capitalism. Government interventions or regulations, are not that either.

What is the future of the two systems?

It is highly likely that they will become different parties within a country; all will try to win the voters and become the government. In doing so, they will all adopt or evolve to become relevant.

There will no extreme capitalism, nor extreme socialism. Neither will exist for long, if any one or party adopts them.

It means both will coexist and compete.

This should tell if Lucy’s argument is correct or not.

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