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Now Combet says coal industry is safe, what about consumers?

Comments on Samantha Maiden “Coal industry is safe, says Greg Combet”, 13/09/2010, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/coal-industry-is-safe-says-greg-combet/story-fn59niix-1225919936683
While it is reassuring that the Greens extreme policy on climate change is unlikely to affect the coal industry, there is a danger that Combet may continue to reward heavy polluters through industry subsidies.

Consumers will bear the blunt of any climate change policy in terms of either higher energy prices or higher taxes. As a result, they should be ones to be compensated by any revenue from either a carbon tax or emissions permit prices. In fact, any revenue should be wholly distributed to consumers on an equal per capita basis to recognise their right to better environment.

Any firms have rooms to adjust their prices and pass on the costs to consumers. But consumers don’t have this option.

The Rudd and Gillard government has never considered this issue rationally and is receptive to industry lobby at the expense of consumers. Combet has been part of that government and is now the climate change minister.

The government should get the priority right. Combet should consult much more widely than before.

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