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Yoichi Funabashi's interesting but confusing argument of water security

Comments on Yoichi Funabashi “Global water security: Japan should play key role”, 15/09/2010, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2010/09/15/global-water-security-japan-should-play-key-role/
I am not sure some of the alarmist views on climate change and implications for water are not exaggerating beyond imagination!

While there would be an impact on some rivers if the Himalayan glaciers melt. But what would be waterfalls in the Himalayan region and the implications for those rivers?

If rainfalls remain the same, then those rivers might be more irregular in flows, but the total water may not be too different from the case where the glacier is feeding them.

It is a big natural circulation and recycling.

Further, while water is important, the argument for potential conflicts over water by nations is likely to be false.

The use of Israel and Palestine case is of little relevance, because they have been fighting with each other mainly over land but not water.

It seems the author has an interesting but winded excuse to argue for Japan’s role in global water security.

The mention and description of China may provide a clue.

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