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Morality of Japan-India nuclear pact

Comments on Purnendra Jain “Japan’s nuclear pact with India”, 7/09/2010, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2010/09/07/japans-nuclear-pact-with-india/
The issue involving Australia has just become a little more complicated following effective alliance of the Labor and the Greens with the support of three independents to form the federal government early this week. The Greens is likely to oppose any escalation of uranium in the parliament with its balance of power in the senate, especially from first July 2011.

It is clear from the article that two main factors played the decisive role in Japan’s decision, namely commercial and security out of concerns of the rising power of China.

The commercial reason just makes a mockery of any moral standard by members of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. If issues as serious as nuclear can be compromised, is there any moral ground for any involved to criticise China or any other countries such as Russia to develop conventional resources in Africa countries or in Iran for that matter?

For security, what do any of such agreements in obvious violation of the NNPT mean really? Does it promote peace and stability or does it facilitate regional and possibly global arms race?

The real question is whether the current superpower accepts the inevitable trend that there will be power shift around the world and some of the existing interests are unlikely to be maintained forever and will change accordingly.

Bad decisions by some may only act as distractions to some inevitable and big world trends. That is unlikely to produce the results wished by them probably.

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