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Older people working - a pool of treasure

Comments on ABC news report “Older Australians the hidden unemployed: study” by Dina Rosendorff for AM, 30/07/2009, http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/07/30/2640430.htm?section=justin

It is hidden unemployment, and it is a huge waste of valuable human resources.

The government has increased the pension age from 65 to 67 in the 2009 budget, in the name of dealing with a long term structural budget issue related to population aging. While I personally do not agree it is a good public policy measure and I like to provide more choices to people especially older people as opposed to forcing on people, it can be understandable why the government is doing it.

What is more important for the nation in dealing with population aging and demographic changes is a cultural change and a change in our thinking. Nowadays most people work in office or as a clerk or salesperson type of job. Most is not doing hard labour type job. Given the increase in longevity and health, most people are still capable of continuing working well into their late 60s or even early 70s.

Even those doing hard labour type jobs should still find other less labour demanding type of work to suit their physical health conditions.

The more people who are engaged in working, the higher the average income and national welfare. But more importantly, when people especially older ones are engaged in working voluntarily they are happier and living a better life, while reducing the pressure of aged pension.

All Australians, especially employers, need to tap into this pool of national treasure. It is and should not a difficult issue. It is a conceptual issue. It is an attitude issue. It is a cultural issue. And it is a thinking issue. It can be easily changed. And we can make that change and improve the lives of our older people and ours as a result.

What are we waiting for? Let’s do it, and start doing it now!

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