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Interesting Japanese behaviours

Comments on Shiro Armstrong “Australia, and managing Japan’s insecurity”, 13/07/2009, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2009/07/13/australia-and-managing-japans-insecurity/

There are wide implications of Japan's insecurity of itself and the jealous of the rise of its neighbours. It is not just jealous, but more importantly its resistance, some may say that is probably only the least of that matter, to others development.

That is not helpful to the common good of the region. Unless Japan can realise the inevitable reality that its superior past will not last forever and it has to treat others with equal rights and respect, the others will not treat it with respect.

It is mostly a Japan issue and is up to the Japanese to resolve it. It is, however, closely watched by neighbours.

There is a saying in Chinese (maybe in Buddhism) that goes like this: you will reap good returns if you are good, and bad returns if you are bad; its not the case there will not be the due returns to you, it is that the time is not ripe yet. What returns does Japan wants to get from its behaviours?

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