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Swan likely a worse offender

Comments on Matthew Franklin and Richard Gluyas “Wayne Swan mining tax claims undermined”, 25/05/2010, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/wayne-swan-mining-tax-claims-undermined/story-e6frg6nf-1225870782755

If Swan wants the public to believe his saying that the 70% tax rate due to the RSPT is "blatantly false" and that "every dollar they made above a 6 per cent profit would be subject to the tax" as "either lying or ignorant", he should states that his claim of mining companies paid an effective tax rate of 13-17% as the worse that all those.

He and government ministers don't use ATO figures and resorted to exotic "research paper" as their source. Isn't laughable to the extreme?

It seems that he and the government have either lying or ignorant but highly likely deliberately, misled the public on its RSPT from day one.

For a government and ministers, that is a shame, a disgrace.

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