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Frankel's proposal on "Gulfs in America’s energy security"

Comments on Jeffrey Frankel “Gulfs in America’s energy security, and the Louisiana oil blowout”, 26/05/2010, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2010/05/26/gulfs-in-americas-energy-security-and-the-louisiana-oil-blowout/

An interesting proposal and point.

For the proposal to be more valuable and relevant, it would be useful to also calculate the costs of that proposal under reasonable and plausible assumptions and probabilities for different scenarios.

Alternatively, instead of preparing for the emergent scenarios, it would be better to develop strategies that promote cooperation, peace and stability in the world to prevent them from occurring.

Imagine all the world major and large countries are to do the same as Professor Frankel proposes, what a world will that be?

A collective security mechanism and system is better than the situation of prison’s dilemma and everyone considering only his own interest.

So, it is an issue and question of cost and benefit analysis, and choices, after all.

PS: I made the following second comments:
The point I was making is:

Jeffrey Frankel raises and attempts to answer the following question "what larger implications should we draw for domestic oil drilling?"
To me, the implications he draws do not appear to be large enough.
From a more strategic or higher level, a different set of implications can be drawn.

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