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Who is guilty in the RSPT war?

Comments on George Megalogenis “Shrill leaders bicker”, 29/05/2010, http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/meganomics/index.php/theaustralian/comments/shrill_leaders_bicker/

GM makes the matter like that every side is equally bad and no sides are good or better. That itself is a problem, isn't it?

On this particular matter of RSPT, the Rudd government is clearly the guilty side, becoming more so by spending taxpayers' money on advertising.

Miners are justified in their actions for a just right to be taxed fairly.

GM's analysis is a bit speculative and suffers from a narrow and selfish perspective, that is, no matter government does, it has the rights and can be justified.

That put the government above everyone. Is that right? The answer is definitely no.

It should be noted that it is that very line of thinking among some Australians that is the very environment that some government is so irresponsible, arbitrary and wayward, and in gross contempt of the taxpayers.

Of course, it is true that the opposition is also guilty in some areas, like the resorting to the “pacific solution”.

But the miners are different to the two political parties in the current state of affairs.

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