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Climate change science is hard

Comments on ABC report “Climate change is a fact, says China” by China correspondent Stephen McDonell, 11/03/2010, http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/03/11/2842415.htm?section=justin

Irrespective whether global warming is due to human activities or not, the logic that the Chinese officials employ is illogical.

He said "climate change is a fact based on long-time observations by countries around the world."

How long are those observations, as compared to the existence of the earth and its known variation in temperature or climate change?

That just indicates many people simply do not have the common sense when it comes to climate change.

What they may take as given as science actually is a extremely short time in the long history of climate change and it is likely to be the effects of "white noises".

However, irrespective the climate change debate, taking actions to reduce consumptions of fossil fuels is good, given the limited nature of fossil fuels.

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