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Martin Wolf lacks common sense

Comments on Martin Wolf “Germany and China aren't making sense”, 17/03/2010, http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Germany-and-China-arent-making-sense-pd20100317-3M36P?OpenDocument&src=sph

I beg that Martin Wolf is neither a German nor a Chinese.

Further I beg he is emotionally and possibly intellectually closer to the US.

I am even not sure that his common sense is necessarily the common sense other people have or share.

For example, he talks about the potential consequences of the US resort to trad protections. But if one is neutral and is not afraid of the US economically and politically, then why it a common sense that the consequences of US protection would not be equally bad if not more worse for the US itself?

Certainly it does not make sense or is common sense to me! Rather, it lacks common sense!

In terms of possible penalties for fiscal irresponsibility of members in a monetary union like the euro zone, why should there not be a penalty to deter members from behave fiscally irresponsible? If there are no disincentives in place, how can a member be prevented or deterred from behave irresponsibly?

What common sense does Martin Wolf have in his argument?

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