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Threats of a trade war or wars

Comments on Alan Kohler “Trade war sabre-rattling”, 19/03/2010, http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Trade-war-sabre-rattling-pd20100319-3NRFS?OpenDocument&src=sph

The Americans and their allies are in full play to have possibly their last show of imperialism in their long and inevitable declines, this time not in the military sense but in economic sense.

All we have seen is some sort of threats, that is, how the surplus countries are more likely to lose or unlikely to be the winners, how a trade war can result in a rebalance of the world economy, etc.

Strategic gaming to show their desperation, or scare tactics to scare non-full grown children?

Who cares what they say and what they might do!

Let it happen and we will see another 1930s for some countries.

Yes, undoubtedly there will be a rebalance of the world economy, with acceleration of the declines of some and faster ascendance of others.

Will be fascinating to see!

On Rudd’s public warning on the Stern Hu case, it indicates he has not learnt from his past failures, not just his lecture in China, but also his Copenhagen.

Be mature, and don't use that as a distraction from his domestic problems!

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