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Fair to all students

Comments on Justine Ferrari “Revolution shapes tale of contrasts”, 12/06/2009, http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,25623569-5013480,00.html

We really need a truly fairer system, fair to all, needy or wealthy! But it can mean differential criteria.

I think a dual criteria incorporating both the need and the number of students should be better than either extreme. Maybe the needy should be given a larger weight, say, a student in a needy school is equivalent to 3 or 4, or more students in wealthy schools.

But we should not adopt policy of envy and jealous, or extreme Robin Hood approach. That is too unfair to those who contributed so much to government money as taxpayers.

Essentially, what I mean is a multi criteria, based on mainly needs, but also have wealthy schools included. After all, the government governs for all and the parents and families of wealthy school students contribute to more to government money through tax.

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