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PM should stick with promised tax cuts

Kevin Rudd and his government should be commended if they stick with their key election commitment on tax cuts, at least keep the integrity of it. It may be and is likely to be unpopular, but it will demonstrate the PM and the government’s resolve to integrity, credibility and resolve to be economically/budgetary conservative and work hard to make the economy more efficient, even we are faced with the unprecedented world financial and economic crisis and enormous difficulties for any government to manage the economy and budget. On the other hand, if the government scraps agreed tax cuts, it will be viewed as cowards to avoid hard issues and only be interested in seeking easy and popular measures instead of working hard and intelligently to resolve hard issues. Popularity, though important in politics, should not be confused with good a government. The issue will be a real test for the PM and the government. The report, if it happens, will show a resilient government to withstand the test and show its true leadership. It needs this especially now at this time, and very badly so.

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