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China's emissions target and the lack of targets by others

Comments on Frank Jotzo “How might China achieve its 2020 emissions target?” 12/04/2010, http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2010/04/12/how-might-china-achieve-its-2020-emissions-target/

While I am not too concerned with whether China can achieve its 2020 emissions target, I am worried by the means it may employ to achieve it.

As most people are aware, the Chinese government has much more control over how businesses and people go about their businesses. That means they can direct with little consultation. That could potentially result in huge costs to the economy and affect people's living standards.

Another issue is that while parts of the international community are interested in the transparency of how China achieves its emissions target, it is more important to have the rest to have their own targets.

It would be highly hypocritical for other people to be keen talking about how to verify China's emission target without committing to reasonable targets for their own.

That is just not fair and good enough, is it?

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