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A way out for Rudd's national health reform impasse

Comments on Paul Kelly, “Showdown in emergency room”, 17/04/2010, http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/showdown-in-emergency-room/story-e6frg6zo-1225854720604

There is a way out for Rudd and Brumby as well as for WA and NSW, which is to move to a 100% pool of the nation's total health funding pool.

Given that the Commonwealth funds a lot of primary cares, its total funding is likely to be more than 50%, so it will make it much easier to achieve a 60-40 formula Rudd is asking with no change to the GST funding.

A national health board can be set up to oversee the allocation of the health funding pool.

Local health networks, as opposed to hospital networks can be charged to consider local allocation between hospital and primary cares as well as aged care and etc.

Case mix funding can be part of the national allocation to local health networks to adjust their total health funding.

The Commonwealth and the States can sign a agreement on their contributions to the national health funding pool, based on the current situation and perspective future revenue.

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